EDION Group's Code of Ethics states, "We will strive for a comfortable workplace, fair and impartial treatment of employees, and the development of abilities." Regarding the employee composition, we respect and accept differences based on various backgrounds of employees such as gender, nationality, age, employment type, etc., and actively utilize them to meet the ever-changing business environment and diversifying customer needs. Yes.


Related SDGs

SDGs Goal 3 4 SDGs Goal 5 SDGs Goal 8 SDGs Goal 10  


Creating a comfortable workplace

EDION, we are making efforts and support to harmonize work and personal life according to the lifestyle of each employee so that they can continue to work in a rewarding and lively manner.


Promotion of work-life balance 38

EDION recommends reducing overtime by improving operational efficiency and taking systematic paid vacations, and is strengthening initiatives to realize proactive work and vacation reforms.

Optimization of working hours

EDION has been working to improve work practices with the aim of “optimizing working hours” as a work style reform since fiscal 2017. Employee awareness has increased year by year since the beginning of work style reforms, and average overtime hours have steadily declined. We will continue to promote work style reforms.

[Main initiatives]

  • Set overtime hours targets for each department, manage performance, and disclose on the company intranet
  • Labor-management time management council held monthly
  • Setting No Overtime Day

Take paid leave


[Main initiatives]

  • 連続休暇取得制度 :半期毎に連続とした休暇(有給休暇、公休等含め原則4連続以上)の計画的な取得を促進
  • メモリアル休暇制度:メモリアル休暇(家族の記念日等)の計画的な取得を促進

EDION 's Industrial Relations

EDION organizes trade unions and welfare associations. EDION Group to survive and develop continually endeavors to support richness and abundance in our customers' lives., labor and management must properly recognize the environment and management issues surrounding the EDION Group and promote mutual understanding and mutual trust. We continue to talk while building and aim to increase brand value. In addition, through various exchange activities, such as co-sponsored training and social contribution activities, we are promoting activities that enhance communication between labor and management and foster a sense of unity.

Labor-Management Council

EDION holds regular monthly labor-management councils attended by representatives of both labor and management to actively check the working conditions and working environment of employees and exchange opinions on points for improvement and issues. In addition, management councils are held regularly, and top management of labor and management hold discussions. Furthermore, the most important themes are decided after thorough consideration and discussion in the labor-management project. Labor and management are cooperating to carry out thorough activities to disseminate information on working conditions and various systems introduced through this process, such as disseminating information on the company intranet and distributing them in union magazines.



Balancing support system (support for childcare and nursing care) 35810


* For details on support for women's achievements Here

System contents
Pregnancy, childbirth and childcare support
  • ・ Leave and measures for maternal health
  • ・ Pregnancy disability leave
  • ・ Before and after childbirth
  • ・ Birth allowance
  • ・出産育児一時金(出産された時に1児につき、50万円)
  • ・出産育児一時金付加給付金(法定給付金50万円に加え、会社独自にさらに5万円給付)
  • ・ Birthday celebration (in the case of a couple, payment for each)
  • ・ Distribution of childcare books
  • ・育児目的休暇(社員の妻が出産したとき:5日)
  • ・Postpartum papa childcare leave (up to 4 weeks (28 days) can be taken within 8 weeks after the child is born)
  • ・Childcare leave up to 1 year old (can be extended up to 2 years old)
  • ・ Childcare leave benefits (can be extended up to 2 years old)
  • ・中学校の就学始期まで育児短時間勤務(5、6、7時間のいずれか)が可能
  • ・ Restrictions on overtime and late night overtime
  • ・子の看護休暇(中学校の就学始期までの子1人につき年間5日まで、子2人以上の場合は年間10日まで取得可能)
  • ・入学祝品の給付(子供が小学校・中学校に入学する時)
  • ・Implementation of Smile Shine Meetings
Nursing care support
  • ・Up to 1 year of nursing care leave is possible for family members (93 days in total if taken in up to 3 installments)
  • ・Family care leave benefits
  • ・介護短時間勤務(対象家族1人につき、介護事案の解消まで短時間勤務(5、6、7時間のいずれか)が可能)
  • ・ Restrictions on overtime and late night overtime
  • ・Nursing care leave (up to 5 days per year per family member, up to 10 days per year for 2 or more family members)

Benefits for diverse work styles 35810

In order to ensure that each employee can work with peace of mind, we are working to enhance various benefits in addition to the balance support system.


Thorough health and safety management 35810

EDION strives to prevent accidents and raise safety awareness, aiming for a comfortable work environment where employees can live a healthy and safe work life.


Occupational safety

Health and Safety Committee


・安全衛生情報の収集及び労働災害疾病休業等統計(2023年度 労働災害件数 22件*Only for those on leave 度数率 0.78 強度率 0.03)

Near-miss activities
In order to ensure the safety of daily work and to have a solid awareness of accidents, we are also working to share examples of "close calls" and "surprised" in the workplace and use them to prevent occupational accidents and prevent their reoccurrence. In addition, the Safety and Health Committee also deliberates on high-risk near-miss incidents (*1) and implements the decided countermeasures.
  • (*1) A near-miss incident is a case of a near-miss or a hatred that is a precursor to an accident or disaster. A series of activities to eliminate the latent danger of nipping disasters in the bud by discovering them and taking countermeasures is called "hiyari-hatto activities."
Near Miss accident
Implementation of disaster drills

EDION, we regularly hold "fire drills", "evacuation drills" assuming a large-scale disaster, and "safety confirmation drills" to confirm the safety of all employees, including those who are out of the office, using a safety confirmation system. I am doing it.
In addition, under the guidance of specialists, we regularly conduct training and training on emergency resuscitation methods, including how to handle AEDs.


Disaster prevention stockpile


Safety driving training and enlightenment


Harassment measures / special contact


Harassment measures / special contact

Health management

EDION Group is working to optimize working hours, improve lifestyles, and take measures for mental health in order to maintain and promote health.

ダイバーシティ・エクイティ& インクルージョン


Supporting the active participation of female employees 345810

By promoting the active role of women, one of the attributes of diversity, we aim to enable female employees to play an active role in all aspects of the company and to reflect diverse values and perspectives in overall business activities.

Supporting the active participation of female employees

Supporting career development of female employees

In the “Diversity Promotion Labor-Management Project” that has been promoted by both the company and the labor union since March 7, 2016, we are working to promote the active participation of female employees in order to “become a workplace where women can continue working” is.

Female employee career vision training

We are conducting training as a place to think about how young female employees will become leaders in the future and how to pursue a fulfilling career both publicly and privately.
In the training for general female employees up to the sixth year after joining the company, you will learn about the personnel system and company support system, and learn to work with a more specific long-term career vision. In addition, in training for female employees with more than 10 years of experience as leaders, we will learn to become human resources who can demonstrate leadership while making the most of femininity and encourage juniors to work positively.

System to support work-life balance


smile shine meeting

EDION holds "Smile Shine (*1) Meeting" sponsored by the labor union. Regardless of gender, such as men or women, regardless of whether you are a father or a mother, and for future fathers and mothers, anyone can participate, and you can balance work and childcare with a smile. Many employees participate as a forum for exchanging information.


  • (*1) Employees who work with a smile on their face and think about their own plans for the future are called “Smile Shine.”

Acquisition of Kurumin, a childcare support company certification mark

Based on the Act on Promotion of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, we acquired "Kurumin" (* 1) as a child-rearing support company in 2017 as a result of efforts to keep women working for a long time.
In addition to directly supporting women, we also provide male employees with special paid leave when their spouses give birth, so that employees can balance their work and life and create a comfortable employment environment.


  • (* 1) "Kurumin" achieves the goals set in the plan among the companies that have formulated the general business owner action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, and meets certain standards. It is certified as a "child-rearing support company" by applying for it.




Support the success of diverse human resources 45810

Promotion of employment of people with disabilities


Foreign recruitment

EDION continues to hire foreigners, regardless of nationality. He is from many countries such as China, South Korea, Brazil, and the Philippines, and is active in various fields such as sales offices and head office departments. We provide guidance and education to foreign employees assigned to stores based on the educational tools and various manuals of the "Customer Service Quality Improvement Education DVD".

Retirement reemployment system (continuous employment system)


Fixed-term contract employee employment system

We employ fixed-term contract employees in accordance with labor-related laws and regulations, and treat them appropriately in accordance with employment regulations and various regulations regarding various social insurance and vacations stipulated by law.

Temporary employee employment system

At each EDION office and group company, dispatched employees based on the Worker Dispatching Act are employed. When employment of dispatched employees in the EDION Group, we conclude contracts with dispatching companies and create and manage ledgers based on the Worker Dispatching Law, guidelines on measures to be taken by dispatched laborers, and other laws and regulations. ..



公表日  2024年6月1日   

  2021 2022 2023年度
正規雇用労働者の中途採用比率 14% 22% 29%


Improve employee skills and motivation


Fair and impartial evaluation and treatment 5810

Personnel system

EDION has introduced an evaluation system that considers both performance and processes. Based on an evaluation system that emphasizes process, we will lead to the growth of each individual by practicing actions that lead to results. In addition to providing feedback on evaluation results to the individual, the system is linked to other human resources systems such as qualification systems, salary systems, and skill development systems, leading to increased employee motivation, promotion of skill development, and fair and just treatment.

[What is EDION 's personnel system?]

  • To develop the skills of employees and use the people who play the role expected of the company.
  • To be treated according to the level of work (different levels of roles and responsibilities).
  • To nurture through work, where work grows employees.

full-time employees appointment system

EDION has established a system in which non-regular employees are hired as full-time employees in accordance with the type of work, the level of responsibility involved, changes in personnel, and changes in roles.

Regional limited employee system

In order to promote the diversification of work styles, we have established a region-specific employee system. This is a system that provides opportunities for employees who find it difficult to relocate due to childcare or nursing care, as well as excellent human resources who want to pursue a career as full-time employees or superior as a full-time employee, although there are restrictions on working hours.


How you can feel rewarding 45810

EDION aims to create an organizational culture where employees can think and challenge themselves, backing up the career development and ability development of employees from various aspects, and aiming for an organizational culture where both the company and individuals can realize the joy of growth together. .

Award system

EDION has introduced a “long-term service award system” for employees who have worked sincerely for many years, and an “accomplishment system” for awarding employees or organizations that have made significant contributions to the company and acted as models for other employees. doing.

Self-report system


Internal recruitment system

We have set up an "internal recruitment system" to disclose information on departments that require human resources to employees when launching new projects or expanding business. We support employees to improve their careers by providing them with the opportunity to experience various jobs on their own. In addition, we aim to achieve optimal placement as a company.

Call for ideas for business improvement and cost reduction

In order to raise employee awareness and motivation for cost reductions, and to improve business productivity and foster a corporate culture, the Company has adopted a “work improvement and cost reduction idea recruitment system” for all employees. The Business Improvement Promotion Secretariat collects ideas that lead to business improvements and cost reductions proposed by employees themselves. Good ideas are positively reflected in the work, and excellent ideas are commended.


主な対象資格:家電製品アドバイザー、家電製品エンジニア、スマートマスター、フォトマスター、電気工事士 ほか


Education and training 45810

EDION supports the growth of each and every employee in our daily activities and supports career development through various training programs and personal development.
EDION 's training system provides off-the-job training (Off-JT) through group training, such as "selective education," "purpose-based education," and "professional-specific education," in addition to "level-based education" according to the date of joining the company and job responsibilities. And on-the-job training (OJT) conducted through daily work at the workplace.


Education and training


  • Distance learning course

    Distance learning course

    We offer a wide range of courses on qualification, language, management, business skills, etc. so that you can aim for personal development and personal skills improvement.
    This system allows you to receive tuition subsidies according to the subsidy set for the course at the completion of the distance learning course.

  • e-learning course

    e-learning course

    From basic knowledge for handling manners, personal information protection, information security, transport / installation of air conditioners, and customer service, to training for individual manufacturers and products, we provide an environment where useful knowledge can be incorporated at any time.

  • Life plan seminar

    Life plan seminar

    Students will learn basic knowledge about public pensions, social insurance, and defined contribution pension plans (retirement plans) and various procedures, and will assist in preparing for second life after retirement.