Delivery and construction services

Same day delivery and same day construction

Same day delivery and same day construction are available from 13:00 to 21:00.

Normal delivery / Normal construction

Regular deliveries and regular construction work are carried out in five time slots: 1st service: 9:00 to 12:00, 2nd service: 11:00 to 14:00, 3rd service: 13:00 to 16:00, 4th service: 15:00 to 18:00, and night service: 18:00 to 21:00.

* Night service is subject to charges.

Delivery and construction services

Click here for more information.

Home appliance recycling

The Home Appliance Recycling Law is a national law that aims to collect and recycle used home appliances to make effective use of limited resources and create a healthy recycling society. You will be charged for the recycling and collection / transportation charges when picking up the four unnecessary home appliances.
Inquiries and applications are accepted at each EDION store.

Home appliance recycling

Click here for details such as amount.

Small household appliances recycling




* We do not pick up small home appliances at franchised stores.

Small household appliances recycling

Click here for details such as amount.

Construction services

We provide a variety of construction services, including air conditioning, antenna construction, electrical construction, chimes, intercom installation and replacement, and range hood installation and replacement.
Inquiries and applications are accepted at each EDION store.

Construction services

Click here for details such as amount.

Fire alarm installation service

Residential fire alarms were required to be installed by the law that came into force on June 1, 2006.
EDION provides a fire alarm installation service at the customer's home.
Inquiries and applications are accepted at each EDION store.

Fire alarm installation service

Click here for details such as amount.

Over-the-counter order parts delivery service

We will accept delivery of parts ordered at the store.
Inquiries and applications are accepted at each EDION store.

Over-the-counter order parts delivery service

Click here for details such as amount.