Corporate governance status

① Overview of corporate governance system

  • I. Overview of corporate governance system


  • B. Why adopt corporate governance?


  • C. Status of improvement of internal control system and risk management system



  • ニ.責任限定契約及び会社役員賠償責任保険(D&O保険)の内容の概要及びその理由

  • E. Number of directors


  • What. Requirements for resolution of appointment of directors

    Regarding the resolution for the election of directors, we state that shareholders who have one-third or more of the voting rights of the shareholders who can exercise their voting rights shall attend, and that the majority of the voting rights shall be adopted and that cumulative voting shall not be used. It is stipulated in the articles of incorporation.

  • G. Acquisition of own shares

    Regarding the acquisition of own shares, the Articles of Incorporation stipulate in Articles 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act that the Company's own shares may be acquired through market transactions, etc. by resolution of the Board of Directors. This is intended to enable flexible execution of capital policies.

  • blood. Interim dividend
    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 454, Paragraph 5 of the Companies Act, the Company may pay an interim dividend to shareholders or registered share pledgees recorded in the final shareholder list on September 30 every year by a resolution of the Board of Directors. The articles of incorporation stipulate that to that effect. The purpose of this is to provide stable and agile return of profits to shareholders.

  • Li. Special resolution requirements for general meetings of shareholders
    At the Company, shareholders who hold one-third or more of the voting rights of shareholders who can exercise their voting rights attend the special resolution of the general meeting of shareholders stipulated in Article 309, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act, and the voting rights 3 It is stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation that a majority, which is more than two-minutes, will be used. The purpose of this is to facilitate the operation of the general meeting of shareholders by relaxing the quorum of special resolutions at the general meeting of shareholders.

② Status of internal audits and audits by corporate auditors


  • イ.監査等委員会監査の状況


  • ロ.監査役監査の状況
  • 当事業年度における監査役会は、社外監査役2名を含む監査役3名体制で監査にあたりました。常勤監査役山田富士雄氏は当社の財務経理部門に在籍し、長年にわたる実務経験を有しており、社外監査役福田有希氏は公認会計士及び税理士の資格を、社外監査役沖中隆志氏は税理士の資格を有していることから、財務会計及び税務に関する相当程度の知見を有しております。加えて、監査役会は監査役の職務を補助するため、監査役室を置き、専任のスタッフ1名を配置して当該スタッフに対し、情報収集の指示や事務局としての会議運営、監査役間の連絡調整業務等を行わせております。
  • ハ.内部監査の状況
  • 当社の内部監査は、会社の組織、制度および業務が経営方針および諸規程に準拠し、効率的に運用されているかを検証、評価および助言することにより、不正、誤謬の未然防止、正確な管理情報の提供、財産の保全、業務活動の改善向上を図り、経営効率の増進に資することを目的としております。代表取締役会長執行役員直属で独立した組織の内部監査室(本報告書提出日現在20名)が、年間内部監査計画に基づき各店舗、各部署および各子会社の監査を実施すると共に、取締役会、監査等委員会が必要と認めた事項についての監査等を実施しており、監査結果は被監査部門に通知し、不備が起こらない事例の共有など改善の助言や改善内容のフォローアップを通じて実効性の強化を図っております。また内部監査室は、金融商品取引法に基づく財務報告に係る内部統制の整備及び運用状況の評価を実施しております。内部監査の結果および内部統制評価の結果につきましては、代表取締役会長執行役員のみならず、取締役会にて直接報告するとともに、監査等委員会においても直接報告しております。内部監査室は、取締役(監査等委員)および監査等委員会と定期的または必要に応じて報告や情報交換を行い、相互連携の強化を図っております。
  • ニ.会計監査の状況
  • The Company has commissioned EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC to perform an accounting audit based on the Companies Act and an accounting audit based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. There is no special interest between the employees and the Company. In addition to statutory audits, the Audit & Supervisory Board and the Internal Audit Office regularly exchange audit reports and exchange opinions.
    • Name of audit firm

      EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

    • 業務を執行した公認会計士

    • 監査業務に係る補助者の構成

    • Audit corporation selection policy and reasons
      The Company appropriately selects candidates for external accounting auditors and establishes the following criteria for appropriately evaluating external accounting auditors.
      (1) About quality control system
      -The quality control system of the external accounting auditor has a system that can receive reports on the quality system from the external accounting auditor every year and take appropriate measures to ensure proper audits.
      -There are no serious indications that affect the quality control system in external reviews (certified accountants / audit review committee inspections, quality control reviews of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants), etc.
      (2) About the audit plan
      ・ Formulate an audit plan that is in line with the environment of the industry and company
      -Reflecting requests from Audit & Supervisory Board Members when formulating an audit plan
      Whether or not the external accounting auditor has the independence and expertise required is confirmed based on the following three points.
      (1) The external accounting auditor and the audit team maintain the independence required by the Certified Public Accountants Act, etc.
      (2) The audit team includes members who have the knowledge and experience to carry out audits in accordance with the audit plan.
      (3) If you have a complex and important area of expertise, use a specialist other than accounting and auditing.
      The Board of Corporate Auditors regarding the dismissal or non-reappointment of the Accounting Auditor to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders when the Accounting Auditor finds it difficult to carry out the audit properly or otherwise determines that it is necessary. We will decide the content of the agenda.
      In addition, the Board of Corporate Auditors will dismiss the Accounting Auditor with the consent of all Audit & Supervisory Board Members if the Accounting Auditor is found to fall under any of the reasons stipulated in each item of Article 340, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Law. In this case, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members selected by the Board of Corporate Auditors will report the fact that the Accounting Auditor has been dismissed and the reason for the dismissal at the first general meeting of shareholders convened after the dismissal.

    • 監査役及び監査役会による監査法人の評価

③ Independent Director and Auditor


  • イ. 社外取締役及び社外取締役(監査等委員)と当社との人的関係、資本的関係又は取引関係その他の利害関係
  • ロ. 社外取締役及び社外取締役(監査等委員)が他の会社等の役員若しくは使用人である、又は役員若しくは使用人であった場合における当該他の会社等と当社との人的関係、資本的関係又は取引関係その他の利害関係
  • ハ. 社外取締役及び社外監査役が当社のコーポレート・ガバナンスにおいて果たす機能及び役割
  • ニ. 社外取締役及び社外監査役の選任状況に関する当社の考え方

    < Independence criteria >
    Persons who do not meet any of the criteria set out below

    • Current or past executives of the Company or its subsidiaries
    • A business executor who currently belongs to a major shareholder or an organization that is a major shareholder with a voting right ratio of 10% or more in the company's latest shareholder list.
    • Business executors who currently belong to a business partner or its consolidated subsidiary whose total transaction amount with the Company exceeds 2% of the Consolidated net sales of the Company or the business partner even once in the last three business years.
    • Consultants, accounting professionals, legal professionals, accounting auditors or advisors who have earned an average of 10 million yen or more per year in addition to executive compensation from the Company during the most recent three business years. (If the organization is a corporation, union, etc., the executive who currently belongs to the organization)
    • Directors and other executives of organizations that have received donations from the Company in the most recent three fiscal years that exceed 10 million yen or 2% of Net sales or gross revenue, whichever is higher
    • If you belonged to an organization or business partner b to e in the past, who has not retired from the organization or business partner for less than one year
    • Spouses or relatives within second degree of the Company or a to e executives
  • ホ. 社外取締役又は社外取締役(監査等委員)による監督又は監査と内部監査、監査等委員会及び会計監査との相互連携並びに内部統制部門との関係

④Remuneration of officers

  • I.

    Total amount of remuneration, etc. for each officer category, total amount by type of remuneration, etc., and number of eligible officers

    Officer classification Such as rewards
    the amount
    (One million yen)
    Total amount by type of compensation (million yen) Target
    Number of members (people)
    Performance linked
    bonus Non-monetary
    (Excluding Independent Director)
    516 388 56 71 6
    (Excluding outside auditors)
    14 14 1
    Outside officer


    69 8


  • B.

    Remuneration, etc. for those who have a total remuneration of 100 million yen or more

    Full name Officer classification Company classification Total amount by type of compensation (million yen) Such as rewards
    the amount
    (One million yen)
    Basic reward Performance linked
    bonus Other
    Masataka Kubo Director Submission
    167 35 36 240
    Satoshi Kaneko Director Submission
    99 5 8 113

    (注)1.久保 允誉に対する報酬等の種類別の額の「非金銭報酬等」は、譲渡制限付株式報酬36百万円です。
        2.金子 悟士に対する報酬等の種類別の額の「非金銭報酬等」は、譲渡制限付株式報酬8百万円です。

⑤Shareholding status

  • B. Number of issues and amount on balance sheet

      Number of brands (brands) On the balance sheet
    Total amount (million yen)
    Unlisted stock
    Non-listed shares 4


    (Issues whose shares decreased during the current fiscal year)
      Number of brands (brands) Acquisition price related to the increase in the number of shares
    Total amount (million yen)
    Unlisted stock
    Non-listed shares 1 14
  • B.

    Information on the number of specific investment shares and deemed shares held by each issue, and the amount recorded on the balance sheet

    Specified investment stock
    Brand This business year Previous business year Holding purpose,
    Holding effect and
    The number of shares
    Reasons for increase
    Of our stock
    Number of shares (shares) Number of shares (shares)
    Balance sheet
    Recorded amount (million yen)
    Balance sheet
    Recorded amount (million yen)
    ㈱Hiroshima Bank 1,146,000 1,146,000 Stable
    Maintain financial transactions
    1,250 717
    ㈱Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 504,420 504,420 Stable
    Maintain financial transactions
    785 427
    ㈱Sanae 77,200 77,200 Business transactions
    (franchised contracts)
    Medium to long term
    Relationship maintenance
    362 314
    Aichi Financial Group Co., Ltd. 70,284 70,284 Stable
    Maintain financial transactions
    186 151

    (Note) If the issue is a holding company, the presence or absence of shares of the Company is stated in consideration of the shares held by its major subsidiaries (the number of shares actually owned).

  • C.

    Investment shares whose holding purpose is pure investment

    Classification This business year Previous business year
    Number of brands (brands) On the balance sheet
    Total amount (million yen)
    Number of brands (brands) On the balance sheet
    Total amount (million yen)
    Unlisted stock 21 2,191 21 2,191
    Non-listed shares 4 53 4 47
    Classification This business year
    Dividend income
    Total amount (million yen)
    Of gain or loss on sale
    Total amount (million yen)
    Of valuation loss
    Total amount (million yen)
    Unlisted stock 54 (note)-
    Non-listed shares 0 31

    (Note) For unlisted stocks, there is no market price, and it is considered extremely difficult to determine the market value.

Details of audit fees

Remuneration for auditing certified public accountants

a.Remuneration for auditing certified public accountants, etc.


Previous consolidated fiscal year Current consolidated fiscal year
For audit certification work
Remuneration (million yen)
For non-audit work
Remuneration (million yen)
For audit certification work
Remuneration (million yen)
For non-audit work
Remuneration (million yen)
Submitting company 95 9 102 3
Consolidated subsidiary
Total 95 9 102 3


b. Compensation for organizations belonging to the same network (Ernst & Young member firms) as audit certified accountants (excluding a.)

Not applicable.

c. Remuneration for other important audit certification services

Not applicable.

d. Policy for determining audit fees

It is determined after considering the size, characteristics, number of audit days, etc.

e. Reasons for the Board of Corporate Auditors to agree to the remuneration of the Accounting Auditor

The Board of Auditors conducts necessary reviews and deliberations as to whether the audit plan of the accounting auditor, the status of the duties of accounting audits, and the basis for calculating remuneration estimates are appropriate, and after deliberation, the amount of remuneration, etc. of the accounting auditor Has deemed appropriate and has consented to Article 399, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act.