The EDION Group wants to be a "continually endeavors to support richness and abundance in our customers' lives." and all corporate activities are based on thinking and acting from the customer's perspective. It is important for each and every employee to always be grateful to our customers and to treat them with sincerity and sincerity, and to build a better relationship of trust with our customers with a “heart of hospitality”.
Related SDGs
Initiatives to respond to customer feedback
The origin of EDION 's business is "customer first". We believe that customers are the best consultants, and work to improve service and reflect on customer feedback to improve and develop original products so that as many customers as possible can be satisfied.
Respond to and share customer feedback 

We at EDION believe that reflecting customer feedback in our products and services and making improvements with high quality and speed is of paramount importance. We respond to customers' inquiries about stores and products, reprimands for services, and various consultations and requests from customers in a variety of situations. The information is shared by related departments and used for the development and improvement of products and services.
Service improvement based on customer feedback 
In order to improve the service quality of the entire company with a sense of speed, we launched the CS improvement project under the direct control of the president in 2014, and are working on improvement activities based on "customer feedback". In addition to formulating improvement measures for issues, we carry out activities for improvement at the field level and continuously make efforts to utilize "customer feedback" in management. By sharing successful cases and issues company-wide, we are linking to company-wide improvement activities and continuously improving services.
Product development based on customer feedback 
EDION focuses on product development that values customer feedback.
Since November 2018, we have been selling our private brand "e angle" with the concept of "a new angle on your lifestyle." We carry out product planning and design, and outsource production to cooperating manufacturers and factories in Japan and overseas.
We also develop original products in collaboration with manufacturers.
We have added functions according to customer needs and lifestyles.
We will continue to strive to develop a wide range of products to meet the diverse needs of our customers, with the aim of making our customers' lives more convenient and comfortable.
Initiatives for customer security
Customer service with expertise and expertise 

Qualification name | Number of acquirers |
Home Appliance Advisor | 4,620名 |
Home Appliance Engineer | 261名 |
Smart master | 685名 |
Photo master* Total number of people | 1,041名 |
Home Appliance Advisor
- ※1 「家電製品アドバイザー」は、家電の販売・営業及び接客のプロとして、商品選択、不具合対応、廃棄等について消費者に的確な助言ができる知識・技能があると認定された人に付与される資格です。(一般財団法人家電製品協会が認定)
- ※2 「家電製品エンジニア」は、家電製品などの設置、接続、セットアップ、リカバリー、修理、その他不具合症状の解消等に従事する者の知識や技能を認定する資格です。(一般財団法人家電製品協会が認定)
- ※3 「スマートマスター」は、スマートハウスのプロフェッショナルとして、家の構造・性能に関する知識、家電製品から住宅設備、さらにはエネルギーマネジメントまで、消費者個々のニーズに合ったスマートハウスの構築を支援する資格です。(一般財団法人家電製品協会が認定)
- ※4 「フォトマスター」は、写真とカメラの知識や技能を問う検定試験の合格者に対して、公益財団法人国際文化カレッジが認定する資格です。

In addition, for seniors and people with disabilities to visit the store, it is used for education to acquire hospitality knowledge under the supervision of specialists who have the skills to require nursing care so that they can smoothly guide the store and respond to customers. We have created a DVD so that you can use slides and videos to learn what you need to consider and pay attention to.
Dealing with foreign customers 

Product Performance Testiong Laboratory 

To ensure that customers can purchase products with peace of mind and use them for a long time, we have set up a “Product Performance Testiong Laboratory” that independently tests the safety, operability, and durability of the products we sell.
The institute tests whether newly introduced products meet the standards of various laws, such as the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law and the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law, and analyzes the causes of broken products to improve the quality of each manufacturer. We conduct various product tests from the customer's perspective, such as making requests.
Smooth response by call center 

EDION has set up a call center according to the content as a contact point for responding to and supporting various inquiries and requests from customers. Experienced staff and operators directly respond to inquiries and offers regarding customer quality through toll-free numbers, etc., so that we can respond appropriately to highly specialized content, and various customers. We have a system in place to respond promptly and accurately to various situations.
Eco-living & solar power training 

The EDION Group also develops products such as remodeling, all-electric homes, and solar power generation systems, and handling them requires specialized knowledge and advanced technology.
We have set up training centers for solar power generation systems, EcoCute, etc. at five locations nationwide so that we can make proposals to a wide range of customers, from remodeling to energy saving and power saving, and not only efficient and effective technical training for construction personnel. , We carry out integrated education and training for "engineering and sales" including sales staff.
EDION Shodo Training Center Construction Training Room
Eco-living & solar power training