We believe that it is our responsibility as a company to realize a sustainable society that is in harmony with the global environment. EDION Group recognizes the reduction of environmental impact as one of the most important issues, and works to create a rich and comfortable social environment by working to conserve the natural environment and realize a recycling-oriented society and a decarbonized society. I am aiming.


Related SDGs

7 9 11 12 13 14 15




Natural environment conservation activities

EDION Group recognizes the importance of corporate activities and environmental issues, and is making efforts to protect nature and resources and pass on a blessed living environment to the next generation. While working to protect the environment, we are working to raise employee awareness of the environment.


Activities to protect the rich nature and beautiful city 111315

Participation in Yoshino Forest Forest Maintenance Activities

Mt. Yoshino, a famous spot for cherry blossom viewing with beautiful rows of cedar and cypress trees, and a registered World Heritage Site, has in recent years become dotted with desolate land and abandoned forests, and there are concerns about the impact on the landscape, forest management, and flood control. Against this background, the prefecture, towns, companies, and others have joined forces to hold the Yoshino Forest Forest Maintenance Activities, and EDION has been participating in this activity since 2008. We are working with many citizens to preserve the natural environment of Mt. Yoshino by thinning and planting trees along the mountain trail from Yoshino Shrine to Kinpusenji Zaodo Hall (a national treasure).

2023 Yoshino Forest forest maintenance activities <thinning work>
  • Yoshino Forest forest maintenance activities Photo 1
  • Yoshino Forest forest maintenance activities Photo 2
  • Yoshino Forest forest maintenance activities Photo 3
  • Yoshino Forest forest maintenance activities Photo 3

Simultaneous cleanup activities at all EDION Group stores


  • President Kubo
  • Hiroshima Office
  • 広島西SC
  • 高槻宮田店

Efforts to reduce plastic waste 71314

Promotion of my bag

EDION is making efforts to hand over my bags such as shopping bags that can be folded and compactly carried and cold storage bags that can be used for cash register baskets as souvenirs for cardholders and superior customers to visit the store. We are also working on dissemination activities that are conscious of lifestyles that do not make it.

Over the past 10 years as of the end of July 2020, we have distributed approximately 16.2 million My Bags. We will continue to focus on environmentally friendly efforts as part of our efforts toward SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Eco bag

Distributed in September 2010



My bag 2

Distributed in March 2019

Reduction of plastic shopping bags

The ministry ordinance of the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law has been amended against the backdrop of the marine plastic waste problem, which has a major impact on the marine environment and ecosystem, and global warming. Is obligatory.

The EDION Group also charges for plastic shopping bags with handles, which are used by customers to carry purchased products, with the aim of reducing overall packaging materials. Plastic shopping bags are made from environmentally friendly materials, and ordinary stores sell plastic shopping bags containing 30% of biomass materials made from plants.

Shopping bag







Contribution to a recycling-oriented society

We recognize that it is our corporate social responsibility to contribute to the realization of a sustainable and recycling-oriented society while efficiently utilizing limited resources. EDION Group actively disposes of used home appliances, which are subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law, recycles small home appliances, recycles Styrofoam, and collects small rechargeable batteries. We are working toward realization.



Recycling and reuse of home appliances 912

Compliance with the Home Appliance Recycling Law


In 1998, the Act on Recycling of Specified Household Equipment (commonly known as the Home Appliance Recycling Act * 1) was enforced in order to save the consumption of natural resources as much as possible, reduce waste, and reuse it as a recycled resource. The mechanism of resource circulation has been established. Manufacturers, retailers, and consumers play their respective roles, and society is united to reduce the burden on the environment. EDION is engaged in daily recycling operations to help reduce the amount of waste and promote the effective use of resources.

  • * 1 What is the Home Appliance Recycling Law? The four home appliances of "air conditioner", "TV", "refrigerator / freezer", and "washing machine / clothes dryer" are picked up by retailers and manufactured by manufacturers (manufacturers, importers). It is a law that stipulates the promotion of recycling by sharing the roles of each, such as requiring recycling.
"Flow diagram"


Collection results of 4 home appliances (number of units)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023年度
Air conditioner 358,101 380,353 342,789 363,334 364,252
TV set 266,022 307,582 301,524 290,522 285,389
Refrigerator / freezer 299,258 291,097 280,149 282,696 269,169
Washing machine / clothes dryer 394,211 411,664 385,528 363,990 355,429

Promotion of recycling of small household appliances


Home appliances other than the four items subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law are contractors certified by the government in 2013 under the "Act on Promotion of Recycling of Used Small Electronic Devices" (commonly known as the Small Home Appliance Recycling Law * 1). Recycling is being promoted by collecting and processing used small household appliances over a wide area by (small household appliances certified business operators * 2). We are actively collecting used small household appliances at EDION Hyakuman Volt directly managed stores * 4 in collaboration with IR Japan, a subsidiary and certified business operator * 3. We are promoting the formation of a recycling-oriented society through safe and reliable recycling by building a collection system as a group.

  • * 1 What is the Small Home Appliance Recycling Law? It covers almost all electrical machinery and equipment except for the four items (TV, air conditioner, refrigerator / freezer, washing machine / dryer) subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law, and is manufactured by the national government, local governments, and manufacturers. It is a system that establishes responsibilities for collection and recycling by traders, retailers, consumers, etc., and promotes wide-area and efficient collection and recycling of used small household appliances.
  • * 2 What is a small household appliance certified business operator? A person who can properly recycle used small household appliances (to carry out a recycling business, submit a recycling business plan to the national government, and the economy and industry It is a business operator certified by the government as a person who has been certified by the Minister and the Minister of the Environment.
  • * 3 In the Hokkaido area, IR Japan does not collect directly.
  • * 4 franchised stores, also offer a “courier recycling” service that collects used small household appliances packed in cardboard at home.

Collection amount of small household appliances recycling (t)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023年度
EDION 5,730 6,354 5,494 5,223 4,988
thank you    353    379    301    287    260
Municipality 2,810 2,036 2,355 2,881 1,721

Reuse of home appliances



Home appliance reuse results (number of units)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023年度
computer 10,932  7,067  3,657  6,901  3,360
mobile phone  2,507  7,410  9,424 11,531 27,657

Collection of small rechargeable batteries


In April 2001, the Law Concerning the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources was enacted, obliging battery manufacturers, manufacturers of devices that use batteries, and importers to collect and recycle small rechargeable batteries. We are also working to collect small rechargeable batteries at each store in order to promote recycling activities. If you have a small rechargeable battery to be collected at the store, please hand it directly to the staff.


*Some stores may not collect small rechargeable batteries, so please inquire with each store about whether or not they can be collected.


[Rechargeable batteries to be collected]

・ Rechargeable batteries with the following recycle symbol

Small rechargeable battery recycling mark

* For safety, please insulate the metal terminals with tape or the like.

[Rechargeable batteries not subject to collection]

-Pouch-type or laminated-type batteries that are not stored in the hard case

・ Batteries that have been disassembled or damaged or inflated

Small rechargeable battery collection can

Collection of button batteries


Currently, some coin cell batteries contain trace amounts of mercury. In order to protect human health and the environment and promote proper recycling, we are a button battery collection cooperating store of the Battery Industry Association, and at each store in accordance with the collection standards of the Battery Industry Association. We are working to collect used button batteries. If you bring the button batteries to be collected at the store, please hand them directly to the staff.


[Batteries to be collected]

・ Button batteries with a diameter of 12 mm or less

* For safety, please insulate the metal terminals with tape or the like.

[Batteries not subject to collection]

・Lithium coin batteries (batteries with model symbols CR and BR with a diameter of 12 mm or more)


Button battery collection

その他の再資源化・再利用 1213


Volume reduction machine











Activities to realize a decarbonized society

It is recognized that global warming is progressing due to an increase in CO2 emissions due to increased energy consumption associated with various economic activities, and that this is having a serious impact on the global environment.
At our company, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting the introduction of energy-saving equipment such as LED lighting and clean energy equipment. We are working towards the realization of society.



Initiatives for decarbonization 791113

Installation of solar power generation system



  • *1 PPA (Power Purchase Agreement): Power sales contract (third-party model)
    A contract form in which a company or local government provides space such as the roof of a facility or idle land to a PPA operator, and the PPA operator installs power generation equipment in that space free of charge. The generated electricity is consumed by companies and local governments at their own facilities, and the amount of electricity used is paid to the PPA operator.
  • Installation of solar power generation system
  • Installation of solar power generation system
Installation of solar power generation system



Promotion of introduction of LED lighting, energy-saving air conditioning, and BEMS


We are promoting the introduction of LED lighting, which has excellent resource saving, long life, and low power consumption, switching to energy-saving air conditioning, and the introduction of the energy management service "BEMS".



  • Promote the introduction of LED lighting
  • Promote the introduction of LED lighting

    * BEMS equipment installed at stores



「Nearly ZEB(ニアリーゼブ)」の認証を取得


当社は、建築物省エネルギー性能表示制度(BELS)において、2023年に新設オープンした一部店舗で「Nearly ZEB※1(ニアリーゼブ)」の認証を取得しました。 BELS(ベルス)とは、建築物の省エネルギー性能について第三者評価機関が評価し認定する制度のことで、エディオングループとしては「岐阜正木店」が初の認証取得となりました。

  • ※1 ZEB(ゼブ)とは、ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ビルの略で、室内の快適性を維持しながら年間のエネルギー消費量を実質ゼロにする建物のこと。ZEBは4種類あり、基準1次エネルギー消費量からの削減率が大きい順に「ZEB(ゼブ)」「Nearly ZEB(ニアリーゼブ)」「ZEB Ready(ゼブレディ)」「ZEB Oriented(ゼブオリエンテッド)」となる。
    「 Nearly ZEB 」は、省エネルギーの建物と太陽光発電などによる創エネルギーを加え、建物利用に伴う直接的なエネルギー消費量を75%以上削減している建物のことをいう。
BELS 岐阜正木店



Installation of charging station for electric vehicles






Installation of charging station for electric vehicles



Providing services that realize energy saving and power saving


Efficient use of energy and reduction of its impact on the natural environment are recognized as one of the important environmental conservation activities. In order to improve energy efficiency, it is important to understand the energy usage status and take appropriate measures. EMS (Energy Management System), which supports optimal energy use, visualizes the energy usage status, enables general energy management such as management and analysis, and makes energy use more efficient. EDION EDISMA "Edithma HEMS * 1", which is an EMS for EDISMA, and "Edithma BEMS", which is an EMS for stores and buildings, as businesses, and provides services that realize energy saving and power saving, thereby producing greenhouse gases. Contributes to the reduction of

* 1 Equipment sales have ended on October 31, 2018.



EMS description



Promotion of energy-saving home appliances


EDION Group is promoting the spread of energy-saving home appliances that are environmentally friendly and household-friendly.
We also support "Cool Choice", which promotes efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the creation of a carbon-free society, and are implementing the following activities.


  1. Implementation of environmental education for employees
  2. Creation of a booklet promoting energy saving and distribution to customers
  3. In-store broadcasting recommended for energy-saving products
  4. Post posters, panels, etc. recommended for energy-saving products in the store

Cool choice link image






Support for TCFD

Information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations

The Company agreed with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Information Disclosures (TCFD * 2) established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB * 1) on July 28, 2021.




Aiming to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, we will continue to generate greenhouse gases that accompany our business activities under our management philosophy of "Achieving the principle of "customer 's First" through high-quality products and reliable service" We are promoting various sustainability activities, such as contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases in our customers' products and services through our business.

In the future, based on our support for the TCFD proposal, we will consider the impact of risks and opportunities in climate change on our business, promote information disclosure based on the TCFD framework, and work on decarbonization through our business. increase.

  • * 1 FSB: Abbreviation for Financial Stability Board. An institution that oversees international finance, consisting of financial ministries and central banks in each country.
  • * 2 TCFD: Abbreviation for Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. At the request of the G20, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Information Disclosure was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to consider how to deal with climate-related information disclosure and financial institutions. on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) ”.
    TCFD published its final report in June 2017, encouraging companies and others to disclose information on climate change-related risks and opportunities.