company name EDION Corporation
Head office 2-333 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Osaka Mitsui Bussan Building MAP
(General representative) 06-6202-6011
Representative Masataka Kubo
Establishment March 29, 2002
capital stock 11,940 million yen (as of March 31, 2024)
Closing date March 31 of each year
Consolidated net sales 7,210億85百万円(2024年3月31日現在)
Group No. of stores 1,202店舗(直営:454店舗、フランチャイズ:748店舗)(2024年3月31日現在)
number of employees 15,947名(正社員9,170名、臨時従業員6,777名)(2024年3月31日現在)
No. of Shares issuable 300,000,000株(2024年3月31日現在)
No. of Shares Outstanding 112,005,636株(2024年3月31日現在)
No. of Shareholders 151,523名(2024年3月31日現在)
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Stock Agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation 1-4-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Minimum Trading Unit 100 shares
Securities code 2730