Energy management system business
We provide " EDISMA and Energy Management Support Service" to save energy and power for homes and businesses. The EDISMA HEMS, launched in February 2015, will not only make household power visible, but will also measure gas and water usage and indoor temperature and humidity to determine the status of various energy uses and improve efficiency. Convenient functions such as energy saving, ON / OFF operation of home appliances such as air conditioners and temperature control from outside can be realized. In addition, the solar power generation system that remotely monitors the power generation data of the photovoltaic power generation system acquired by EDISMA HEMS on behalf of the customer and provides one-stop maintenance and maintenance from our service base to on-site inspections and manufacturer repair requests when an error occurs. We provide a system monitoring and security service.
The corporate service " EDISMA BEMS" measures the power consumption in buildings and stores and manages demand to efficiently reduce power consumption during peak power hours. We also provide energy saving support services, such as visualizing the power usage status with numerical values and graphs, grasping the time zones and devices that use a lot of power, and suppressing unnecessary power consumption.