May 1947 | First Industry Co.,Ltd. (predecessor of DEODEO Corporation |
April 1955 | Eidensha Co., Ltd. (predecessor of EIDEN Co., Ltd.) established |
August 1961 | Established Midori Denkasha Co., Ltd. (predecessor of MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd.) |
March 2002 | DEODEO Corporation and EIDEN Co., Ltd. established a holding company EDION Corporation by way of a stock transfer |
October 2002 | EIDEN Co., Ltd. merges with CompMart Co., Ltd. |
September 2003 | Head office function moved to Nagoya |
April 2005 | MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. subsidiary through a share exchange |
July 2006 | EIDEN Co., Ltd. merges with Disk Station Co., Ltd. |
July 2006 | Acquired 33.4% stake in Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd. |
February 2007 | Headquarters function relocated to Osaka |
February 2007 | EIDEN Co., Ltd. makes Mitsuishi Denka Center Co., Ltd. a subsidiary |
March 2007 | Acquired additional shares of Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary (40.0% in total) |
April 2007 | DEODEO Corporation merges with DEODEO Shoji Co., Ltd. |
June 2007 | Acquired 40% of SANKYU Co., Ltd. Ltd. and made it a subsidiary |
October 2007 | Established TOKYO EDION Co.,Ltd. wholly owned subsidiary |
December 2007 | MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged with Midori Co., Ltd. |
April 2008 | MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged with Midori Service Co., Ltd. |
October 2008 | Additional acquisition of Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., making it a wholly owned subsidiary |
February 2009 | EIDEN Co., Ltd. merged with TOKYO EDION Co.,Ltd., Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., Mitsuishi Denka Center Co., Ltd., etc. |
April 2009 | EIDEN Co., Ltd. absorbed Home EXPO Co., Ltd. |
October 2009 | DEODEO Corporation and MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged and changed the company name to EDION WEST Corporation |
October 2009 | Changed the company name from EIDEN Co., Ltd. to EDION EAST Corporation |
April 2010 | EDION Corporation acquires all shares of NWORK Corporation makes it a subsidiary |
October 2010 | EDION Corporation merges EDION EAST Corporation EDION WEST Corporation |
October 2010 | EDION Corporation Communications and COMNET Co., Ltd. became subsidiaries following the merger of EDION EAST Corporation |
April, 2011 | EDION Corporation merges with COMNET Co., Ltd. |
October 2011 | Acquired additional shares of SANKYU Co., Ltd. Ltd. and made it a wholly owned subsidiary |
April 2012 | Changed the company name from SANKYU House System Co., Ltd. to EDION HOUSE SYSTEM Corporation |
April 2012 | Established eR E.R.JAPAN Corporation, a subsidiary engaged in reuse and recycling business, through joint investment |
October 2012 | "Ishimaru", " EIDEN ", "Midori" and " DEODEO " changed to " EDION ", a nationwide unified store brand |
August 2013 | LIXIL Group Corporation and a established a capital and business tie up and the increased capital through third-party allocation of new shares |
October 2014 | Sold home improvement business |
February 2015 | Received the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's " advanced reform company commendation " for the first time in the home appliance retail industry |
April 2015 | First “T-point service” started at electronics retailers |
September 2015 | Started real estate brokerage business “EDION HOUSING” |
March 2017 | Made eR Japan Co., Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary |
August 2017 | Forest Co.,Ltd., a mail-order business, a subsidiary |
March 2018 | Established e-Logi Corporation, a logistics service business, through joint investment |
October 2018 | EDION Corporation merges with EDION Corporation Communications |
September 2019 | Made e-Logistics a wholly owned subsidiary |
November 2019 | Jtop Co.,Ltd. subsidiary |
December 2019 | Youmemiru Inc., Ltd. a subsidiary |
February 2021 | Made PTN Co., Ltd. a subsidiary |
April 2022 | Termination of capital alliance with LIXIL Corporation and agreement to continue business alliance |
April 2022 | Concluded a established a capital and business tie up agreement with Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd. |
October 2022 | NWORK Corporation merged with Hampstead Co., Ltd. and changed its name to EDION X Ventures Corporation |
2023年09月 | (株)サンフレッチェ広島を子会社化 |
2023年10月 | (株)ジェイトップが(株)e-ロジを吸収合併 |
2024年03月 | (株)麻布を子会社化 |
2024年08月 | 室山運輸(株)を子会社化 |