May 1947 First Industry Co.,Ltd. (predecessor of DEODEO Corporation
April 1955 Eidensha Co., Ltd. (predecessor of EIDEN Co., Ltd.) established
August 1961 Established Midori Denkasha Co., Ltd. (predecessor of MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd.)






March 2002 DEODEO Corporation and EIDEN Co., Ltd. established a holding company EDION Corporation by way of a stock transfer
October 2002 EIDEN Co., Ltd. merges with CompMart Co., Ltd.
September 2003 Head office function moved to Nagoya
April 2005 MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. subsidiary through a share exchange
July 2006 EIDEN Co., Ltd. merges with Disk Station Co., Ltd.
July 2006 Acquired 33.4% stake in Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd.
February 2007 Headquarters function relocated to Osaka
February 2007 EIDEN Co., Ltd. makes Mitsuishi Denka Center Co., Ltd. a subsidiary
March 2007 Acquired additional shares of Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary (40.0% in total)
April 2007 DEODEO Corporation merges with DEODEO Shoji Co., Ltd.
June 2007 Acquired 40% of SANKYU Co., Ltd. Ltd. and made it a subsidiary
October 2007 Established TOKYO EDION Co.,Ltd. wholly owned subsidiary
December 2007 MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged with Midori Co., Ltd.
April 2008 MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged with Midori Service Co., Ltd.
October 2008 Additional acquisition of Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., making it a wholly owned subsidiary
February 2009 EIDEN Co., Ltd. merged with TOKYO EDION Co.,Ltd., Ishimaru Denki Co., Ltd., Mitsuishi Denka Center Co., Ltd., etc.
April 2009 EIDEN Co., Ltd. absorbed Home EXPO Co., Ltd.
October 2009 DEODEO Corporation and MIDORI DENKA Co.,Ltd. merged and changed the company name to EDION WEST Corporation
October 2009 Changed the company name from EIDEN Co., Ltd. to EDION EAST Corporation
April 2010 EDION Corporation acquires all shares of NWORK Corporation makes it a subsidiary
October 2010 EDION Corporation merges EDION EAST Corporation EDION WEST Corporation
October 2010 EDION Corporation Communications and COMNET Co., Ltd. became subsidiaries following the merger of EDION EAST Corporation
April, 2011 EDION Corporation merges with COMNET Co., Ltd.
October 2011 Acquired additional shares of SANKYU Co., Ltd. Ltd. and made it a wholly owned subsidiary
April 2012 Changed the company name from SANKYU House System Co., Ltd. to EDION HOUSE SYSTEM Corporation
April 2012 Established eR E.R.JAPAN Corporation, a subsidiary engaged in reuse and recycling business, through joint investment
October 2012 "Ishimaru", " EIDEN ", "Midori" and " DEODEO " changed to " EDION ", a nationwide unified store brand
August 2013 LIXIL Group Corporation and a established a capital and business tie up and the increased capital through third-party allocation of new shares
October 2014 Sold home improvement business
February 2015 Received the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's " advanced reform company commendation " for the first time in the home appliance retail industry
April 2015 First “T-point service” started at electronics retailers
September 2015 Started real estate brokerage business “EDION HOUSING”
March 2017 Made eR Japan Co., Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary
August 2017 Forest Co.,Ltd., a mail-order business, a subsidiary
March 2018 Established e-Logi Corporation, a logistics service business, through joint investment
October 2018 EDION Corporation merges with EDION Corporation Communications
September 2019 Made e-Logistics a wholly owned subsidiary
November 2019 Jtop Co.,Ltd. subsidiary
December 2019 Youmemiru Inc., Ltd. a subsidiary
February 2021 Made PTN Co., Ltd. a subsidiary
April 2022 Termination of capital alliance with LIXIL Corporation and agreement to continue business alliance
April 2022 Concluded a established a capital and business tie up agreement with Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd.
October 2022 NWORK Corporation merged with Hampstead Co., Ltd. and changed its name to EDION X Ventures Corporation
2023年09月 (株)サンフレッチェ広島を子会社化
2023年10月 (株)ジェイトップが(株)e-ロジを吸収合併
2024年03月 (株)麻布を子会社化
2024年08月 室山運輸(株)を子会社化