Mobile corporate services-customer feedback (case study)

Case Study①

Review of mobile phone pricing plans

Corporate name Company A image
Business description Retail business
number of employees 40 people (business 20 people)

Issues before corporate contract

Although sales employees are provided with karaoke, they frequently go out and call charges are increasing, so they have been worried about reviewing their billing plans and reducing costs.
Before introduction: average monthly mobile cost
Contract fee 2,400 yen x 20 units = 48,000 yen



Solutions & Achievements

Change to EDION 's corporate contract, apply for a rate plan with MNP, and do whatever you want. Realized significant cost reduction. It also led to the efficiency of work. In addition, we were able to compare all carriers, and we were able to optimize the introduction with fair proposals.
After introduction: Average monthly mobile cost
Contract fee 1,600 yen x 20 units = 32,000 yen

Cost reduction of 16,000 yen per month, 192,000 yen per year


Case Study②

Work style reform with smartphones and tablets

Corporate name Company B image
Business description Service industry
number of employees 50 (30 sales)
  • Issues before corporate contract

    I want to use my mobile phone for other than calling and e-mail, and improve my business.
    At that time, 25 Garakey were used. Price per car 3,100 yen x 25 cars = 77,500 yen / month
    * Plan content: Kake-hodai + email available


  • After introduction

    Changed to 25 smartphones under EDION 's corporate contract.
    3,500 yen x 25 units = 87,500 yen / month (approx. 13% cost increase)
    * Plan content: Kake-hodai + 1GB / month of data

    セキュリティも万全 情報漏えいリスクを回避

    "Significantly improved work efficiency" with convenient app Smooth communication with groupware
    ・ Map application (the latest navigation is available)
    ・ Attendance management (can be stamped with GPS)image
    ・ Do not miss important emails anytime
    ・ Activate “reports, reams and phases” through business chatimage

    Although the cost has risen, the operational efficiency has been greatly improved with various applications

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