Financial results briefing for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017 (Otemachi Sun Sky Room, Tokyo)


A financial results briefing was held at the Otemachi Sun Sky Room for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, and about 50 people attended.
Kaoru Koyano, Managing Director and Chief Financial & Administrative Officer Company, explained `` Full-Year Results for Fiscal 2016 '' and `` Full-Year Plan for Fiscal 2017 '', followed by Masahisa Kubo, Chairman and CEO of the Company, to explain `` The Company's initiatives '' Whats



FY2017 Financial Results Briefing Main Questions and Answers

Eco-living & solar power Product sales for the 2017 fiscal year are expected to increase 109% year-on-year. Please tell us about the background.
The most severe thing in fiscal 2016 was the solar power generation system, which sold electricity at a lower price. In FY2017, solar demand is expected to be lower than the previous year, but we will focus on selling solar power generation systems and storage batteries as a set, and we hope that sales will remain at the same level as the previous year.
Renovation will reinforce renovation around the water in the apartment. In the renovation industry, condominium renovation accounts for about 30% of sales, but at about 15%, we have room for growth. In addition, we would like to promote follow-up sales to our customers and lift the Eco-living & solar power products as a whole.
Please tell us about the future of e-commerce.
Until now, we had to open a mall and set a low price, but it became a site only for the price, and considering the future, we thought it was necessary to strengthen our own site. Leveraging our strengths not found in other companies, we will strengthen our emphasis on service, repair, warranty, and delivery in e-commerce. The company's website and mobile apps, which were reopened in April, have improved the coordination between stores, the Internet, and apps, increasing convenience for customers. We believe that our e-commerce policy for fiscal 2017 is to bring our strengths to the forefront not only in home appliance sales and Eco-living & solar power products, but also in e-commerce.