Financial results briefing for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2020 (Marunouchi Trust Tower, Tokyo)



丸の内トラストタワーにて2020年3月期 第2四半期決算説明会を開催いたしました。
当社取締役専務執行役員管理本部長 小谷野 薫より「2019年度上期実績」「2019年度通期計画」について説明させていただいた後、当社代表取締役会長兼社長執行役員の久保 允誉より「当社の取り組み」について説明させていただきました。






Q2 FY3 / 2020 results briefing Q & A

You may expect a rebound after the tax increase, but please tell us about the demand trends and sales prospects in the second half, and any risks or concerns about that.
With regard to demand in the second half, we believe that sales will be relatively firm, due to replacement of home appliances with Eco-Points ten years ago and demand for renovations we are continuing to work on. Risks are likely to be affected by the effects of weather, such as warm winters, and by many large companies whose bonuses fell below the previous year's last winter and this summer.
Please tell us about your online sales initiatives.
We are strengthening our product lineup. The company's website has a growing number of products, including healthcare, pet supplies and fishing gear, and its subsidiary Forest, which sells alcohol and drugs. In addition, we operate our online shop from the perspective of how to contribute to the convenience of customers, including attracting customers from real stores, as well as profits.
Please tell us about your renovation efforts, especially for exterior wall painting.
First, I think it is important to strengthen personnel. We will relocate from the home appliance department and recruit experienced workers midway, and strengthen employee sales through employee training. By doing so, we will increase the number of remodeling shops and secure sales.